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Band Administration Office

Sagamok Anishnawbek Administration Office

Toll Free: 1-800-567-2896
Fax: 705-865-3307
4007 Espaniel Street, P.O. Box 2230,
Sagamok, Ontario P0P 2L0

Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik

Tel: 705-865-2171
Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Fax: 705-865-3131
Medical Fax: 705-865-1859
4005 Espaniel Street P.O. Box 2230,
Sagamok, Ontario  P0P 2L0

Tel: 705-865-2192 │705-865-2517
Fax: 705-865-1215
1154 Kokoko Miikan, P.O. Box 2230,
Sagamok, ON P0P 2L0

Fitness & Youth Center
Tel: 705-865-3001 or 1967
512 Cedar Street, P.O. Box 2230

Elders Eagle Lodge
Tel: 705-865-2926
Fax: 705-865-3244
821 Wasacom Drive

Lands, Resources & Environment Unit
Tel: 705-863-0494
5133 Fort Lacloche

Child and Family Advocacy Unit
Tel: 705-865-3229
610 Sagamok Road- Unit #3

Community Justice Program
Tel: 705-865-1884
610 Sagamok Road- Unit #2

IT Department
610 Sagamok Road- Unit #1

Sagamok Post Office
4008 Espaniel Street,
Sagamok, Ontario P0P 2L0

Z'GAMOK Enterprises Inc.
Tel: 705-865-1134
3118 Industrial Park,
Sagamok P0P2L0

Tel: 705-865-1395
Fax: 705-865-3038
575 Sagamok Rd.