Name | Title | Cell No. | Ext. | Company |
Aministration Receptionist | Aministration Receptionist | 221 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Adrienne Eshkakogan | Finance Manager | 232 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Andrea Hajt-Jacobs | Director of Council Secretariat | 705-863-2510 | 262 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 |
Andrew Owl | Accounts Receivable Clerk | 249 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Angela Southwind | Housing Manager | 705-863-2976 | 236 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 |
Angie Toulouse | Housing Officer | 705-863-5112 | 245 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 |
Angus Toulouse | Chief of Sagamok Anishnawbek | 705-227-8188 | 224 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 |
Anita Southwind | Office Assistant ISETS | 353 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Anton Manitowabi | HR Clerk & Shared Service Clerk | 705-863-1420 | 248 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 |
Arnelda Bennett | Economic Development Manager | 705-863-3196 | 332 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 |
Bruce Southwind | Fire Dept. & Emerg. Response Coord. | 705-863-2652 | 211 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 |
Charles Daviau | WALC- Teacher | 281 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Claudette Fournier | Manager of Office Administration - Education | 235 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Danielle Toulouse | HR & Benefits Administration | 705-936-6342 | 255 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 |
Darla Boston | Political office Admin. Assistant | 249-288-9786 | 238 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 |
Darla Southwood | Career and Employment Coach | 283 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Darlene Toulouse | Accounts Payable Clerk | 231 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Eddie Fairburn | Intake Officer ISETP | 242 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Evan O'Leary | General Manager Sagamok Dev. Corp. | 705-863-0381 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Hayley Southwind | Housing Clerk | 244 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Jennifer Owl | Senior Finance Officer - Education | 233 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Josephpine Toulouse | Secondary Support Worker -EHS | 252 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Kathrine Steinke | SDC - Finance Clerk | 223 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Kevin Lester | Wellness Educator | 250 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Kimberly Toulouse | P&I - Office Manager | 705-863-2796 | 239 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 |
Kristy Bennett | Sec. Student Administrative Assistant | 282 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Kyle Abitong | Community Energy Coordinator | 705-562-4115 | 257 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 |
Violet Toulouse | Lottery Office | 705-863-3250 | 341 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 |
Lorna Sinobert | Post Secondary Student Support Worker | 226 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Lorrie Ann Linklater | Post Secondary Student Support Worker | 237 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Marcella Toulouse | Accounts Payable Assistant | 290 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Megan McCraken | Interim Director of Finance | 705-255-2004 | 225 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 |
Melissa Zhaawaninoodin | P.W Clerk / Assest Mgmt Champion | 705-863-2666 | 260 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 |
Michelle Toulouse | Claims & Negotiations Coordinator | 705-770-0598 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Natlie Spencer | Human Resources Manager | 705-863-0089 | 270 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 |
Nicole Sangster | Administration & Finance - ISETP | 264 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Perri-lynn Toulouse | Project Technologist | 705-863-3424 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Rena Daviau | WALC - Teacher | 246 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Renee Owl | Membership, Indian Reg., & Estates Manager | 256 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Roberta Swift | Payroll & Benefits Coordinator | 705-863-3283 | 248 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 |
Ross Assinewe | Director P&I | 705-862-1741 | 261 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 |
Sadie Southwind | Infrastructure Manager | 705-863-0047 | 251 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 |
Sheridan Sinobert | Education Recption/ Assistant | 263 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Nicole Sangster | ISETS Administrative/Finance Assistant | 264 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 | |
Vance McPherson | Director of Education | 705-863-2665 | 227 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 |
Wade Owl | Political Office Coordinator | 705-863-1050 | 238 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 |
WALC | Waawaasnoode Adult Learning Centre | 705-865-1475 | 281 | Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421 |
Alyshia Rivers | Client Care Coordinator | 343 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | |
Brenda McAlister | Community Nurse | 336 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | |
Candace Mandanmin | Wellness Worker | 351 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | |
Conrad Toulouse | Addictions Councellor | 331 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | |
Cheyenne Abitong | EMR Coordinator | 355 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | |
Desiree Rheault | Mental Health and Addictions Nurse | 349 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | |
Delcie Bob | Cinical Supprot Worker | 326 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | |
Doreen Abitong | Emergency Response Planner | 863-3391 | 329 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 |
Ernestine Bob | Medical Transportation Coordinator | 344 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | |
Exam Room 1 | Visiting Practitioner | 337 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | |
Exam Room 2 | Visiting Practitioner | 338 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | |
Julie Toulouse | Office Manager | 335 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | |
Landee Kokoko | Mental Health & Addictions | 348 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | |
Lindsay Kutschke | Mental Health & Addictions Nurse | 318 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | |
MHA Nurse Community Outreach | 318 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | ||
Mino Clinic | 348 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | ||
Mino Office | 271 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | ||
Marie Toulouse | Wellness Liaison Coordinator | 322 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | |
Marilyn Jones | Community Health Representative | 340 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | |
Paula Swift | Nurse Manager | 334 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | |
Paige Shawanda | Community Nurse | 350 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | |
Robyn Eshkakogan | Receptionist | 321 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | |
Shawnda Toulouse | Community Wellness Worker | 352 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | |
Shelley Watt-Proulx | Mental Health and Addictions Director | 322 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | |
Tanya Wright | Project Lead | 327 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | |
Yvonne Abitong | Mental Health and Addictions Intake Worker | 330 | Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | |
Allison Owl | Youth Mental Health Worker | 364 | Mental Health Portable Staff Extensions - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | |
Darlene McNaughton | School Based Mental Health Worker | 863-2731 | 393 | Mental Health Portable Staff Extensions - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 |
Somer-Rai Nighswander Garey | Children’s Mental Health (MAT leave) | Mental Health Portable Staff Extensions - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 | ||
Raven Hammond | Children’s Mental Health Worker | 863-0883 | 356 | Mental Health Portable Staff Extensions - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503 |
Bernadette Southwind | Community Mental Health Worker | 204 | Saswin - Tel: (705)-865-2192 │ (705)-865-2517 | |
Brad Polson | Addictions Counsellor | 863-0263 | 203 | Saswin - Tel: (705)-865-2192 │ (705)-865-2517 |
Gail Trudeau | Community Wellness Worker | 863-2531 | 205 | Saswin - Tel: (705)-865-2192 │ (705)-865-2517 |
Holly Bennett | Children's Wellness Worker | 863-0990 | 202 | Saswin - Tel: (705)-865-2192 │ (705)-865-2517 |
JoanneGraham | Parent Infant Advisor | 863-2941 | 202 | Saswin - Tel: (705)-865-2192 │ (705)-865-2517 |
Micheal Abitong | Community Mentor | 863-0643 | 205 | Saswin - Tel: (705)-865-2192 │ (705)-865-2517 |
Shirley Gregorini | Child & Youth Program Manager | 206 | Saswin - Tel: (705)-865-2192 │ (705)-865-2517 | |
Toby Pickering | Family Well-being Worker | 863-1972 | 202 | Saswin - Tel: (705)-865-2192 │ (705)-865-2517 |
Wayne Southwind | Cultural Resource Worker | 863-2942 | 201 | Saswin - Tel: (705)-865-2192 │ (705)-865-2517 |
Laura McMeekin-Clarke | Physical Wellness Worker | 863-2704 | Fitness & Youth Center - Tel: (705) 865-3001 or 1967 | |
Susan Deschamps | Nurse Manager/ Director | 222 | Elders Eagle Lodge - Tel: (705)-865-2926 | |
Foster Southwind | Care Assistant | 228 | Elders Eagle Lodge - Tel: (705)-865-2926 | |
Tammy MacDonald | Care Coordinator | 221 | Elders Eagle Lodge - Tel: (705)-865-2926 | |
Brenna Thibeault | HCC Nurse | 223 | Elders Eagle Lodge - Tel: (705)-865-2926 | |
Dashaye Eshakakogan | Indigenous Transition Facilitator | 230 | Elders Eagle Lodge - Tel: (705)-865-2926 | |
Fallon Toulouse | Dietary Lead | 224 | Elders Eagle Lodge - Tel: (705)-865-2926 | |
Naomi Paibomsai | Admin Assistant/PSW | 229 | Elders Eagle Lodge - Tel: (705)-865-2926 | |
Samantha Keysis | Director of LRE | 863-0368 | Lands, Resources & Environment Unit - Tel: (705)-863-0494 | |
Cynthia Owl | Executive Assistant | 863-3623 | Lands, Resources & Environment Unit - Tel: (705)-863-0494 | |
Leroy Bennett | Research & Policy Analyst | 863-2597 | Lands, Resources & Environment Unit - Tel: (705)-863-0494 | |
Mitchell Eshkakogan | Fisheries Technician | 863-3217 | Lands, Resources & Environment Unit - Tel: (705)-863-0494 | |
Allen Toulouse | Historian | 865-1134 | 238 | Lands, Resources & Environment Unit - Tel: (705)-863-0494 |
Andrew Dagg | Band Representative | 863-0082 | 202 | Child and Family Advocacy Unit - Tel: (705)-865-3229 |
Andrew Southwind | Database Administrator | 863-2733 | 205 | Child and Family Advocacy Unit - Tel: (705)-865-3229 |
Barbara Southwind | Band Representative | 863-2960 | 207 | Child and Family Advocacy Unit - Tel: (705)-865-3229 |
Cheryl Bennett | Victims Coordinator | 863-0074 | 211 | Child and Family Advocacy Unit - Tel: (705)-865-3229 |
Donna Toulouse | Kinship Service | 863-3445 | 209 | Child and Family Advocacy Unit - Tel: (705)-865-3229 |
Jasmine Abitong | Junior Office Assistant | 204 | Child and Family Advocacy Unit - Tel: (705)-865-3229 | |
Juanita Skruibis | Director of CFA Unit | 863-2946 | 203 | Child and Family Advocacy Unit - Tel: (705)-865-3229 |
Krystal Bob | Receptionist | 863-0515 | 201 | Child and Family Advocacy Unit - Tel: (705)-865-3229 |
Rebecca Toulouse | Band Representative | 863-2715 | 207 | Child and Family Advocacy Unit - Tel: (705)-865-3229 |
Rhonda Stoneypoint | Band Representative | 863-3015 | 208 | Child and Family Advocacy Unit - Tel: (705)-865-3229 |
Receptionist | 202 | Community Justice Program - Tel: (705)-865-1884 | ||
Pamela Sago-Toulouse | Justice Program Manager | 863-0218 | 201 | Community Justice Program - Tel: (705)-865-1884 |
Marilyn Trudeau | Com. Justice Worker | 863-3380 | 204 | Community Justice Program - Tel: (705)-865-1884 |
Mark Foden | By-Law Officer | 863-0145 | 203 | Community Justice Program - Tel: (705)-865-1884 |
Joslyn Paibomsai | Victims Services Coord. | 863-5074 | 202 | Community Justice Program - Tel: (705)-865-1884 |
Priscilla Southwind | 204 | Community Justice Program - Tel: (705)-865-1884 | ||
Greg Durocher | IT Project manager | 863-0603 | IT Department | |
Nick Trudeau | IT Technician | 862-2253 | 865-3331 | IT Department |
Nicholas Lajeunesse | IT/Communications Assist. | 865-2999 | IT Department | |
Robert Porter | Communications Coord. | 865-2221 | IT Department | |
Sean Cassidy | Director of IT | 863-3325 | 865-1999 | IT Department |
Shannon Carroll | Communications Coord. | 865-3224 | IT Department | |
Wayne Peltier | IT Manager | 862-2031 | 865-3336 | IT Department |
Violet Boissoneau | 705-863-3250 | Sagamok Post Office - Tel: (705)-865-1233 | ||
Ken Toulouse | 705-863-0316 | Sagamok Post Office - Tel: (705)-865-1233 | ||
Logan Corbiere | 705-863-0876 | Sagamok Post Office - Tel: (705)-865-1233 | ||
Chantal jerome | 705-863-0463 | Sagamok Post Office - Tel: (705)-865-1233 | ||
Will Sayers | Chief Executive Officer | 225 | Z'Gamok Enterprises Inc. - Tel: (705)-865-1134 | |
Crystal Trudeau | Executive Assist. | 234 | Z'Gamok Enterprises Inc. - Tel: (705)-865-1134 | |
Ryan Halk | Finance Controller | 228 | Z'Gamok Enterprises Inc. - Tel: (705)-865-1134 | |
Wanda Hall | Acc. Payable clerk | 237 | Z'Gamok Enterprises Inc. - Tel: (705)-865-1134 | |
Paul Eshkakogan | Business Devel. | 227 | Z'Gamok Enterprises Inc. - Tel: (705)-865-1134 | |
Martina Southwind | HR Coor./Benefits Admin. | 231 | Z'Gamok Enterprises Inc. - Tel: (705)-865-1134 | |
Bonnie Peltier | Finance Officer | 705-863-2656 | 236 | Z'Gamok Enterprises Inc. - Tel: (705)-865-1134 |
Sarah Toulouse | 705-863-2956 | 224 | Z'Gamok Enterprises Inc. - Tel: (705)-865-1134 | |
Carly Dell | Receptionist | 200 | Niigaaniin - Tel: (705) 865-1395 | |
Deanna Southwind | Niigaaniin - Tel: (705) 865-1395 | |||
Jenna Castonguay | Niigaaniin Specialist | 204 | Niigaaniin - Tel: (705) 865-1395 | |
Marissa Bob | Niigaaniin Specialist | 202 | Niigaaniin - Tel: (705) 865-1395 | |
Robybn Recollect | Deggaabwit ODSP | 201 | Niigaaniin - Tel: (705) 865-1395 | |
Roseanne Abitong | Niigaaniin Specialist | 206 | Niigaaniin - Tel: (705) 865-1395 | |
Sara Tracey | Ge-Naad-Mo-Wit Aaniish Naa | 203 | Niigaaniin - Tel: (705) 865-1395 | |
Vincent Eshkakogan | Associate Director | 249-525-7313 | Niigaaniin - Tel: (705) 865-1395 | |
Bruce Southwind | Fire Chief | 863-0732 | Planning & Infrastructure - Mobile Contact List | |
Barry Southwind | GMW - CID Dept. | 863-5207 | Planning & Infrastructure - Mobile Contact List | |
Bradley Owl | GMW - Housing Dept. | 863-3593 | Planning & Infrastructure - Mobile Contact List | |
Brown Southwind | Custodian | 604-0013 | Planning & Infrastructure - Mobile Contact List | |
Daniel Owl | GMW - Edu Dept. | 863-5245 | Planning & Infrastructure - Mobile Contact List | |
Daniel Toulouse | Roads Supervisor | 863-3249 | Planning & Infrastructure - Mobile Contact List | |
Donovan Southwind | GMW - Housing Dept. | 863-1904 | Planning & Infrastructure - Mobile Contact List | |
Jaiden Nahmiwan | Water Treatment Plant Op. | 863-0519 | Planning & Infrastructure - Mobile Contact List | |
Jerry Francis | Waste Management | 863-2805 | Planning & Infrastructure - Mobile Contact List | |
Joey Trudeau | Technical Services Manager | 863-3026 | Planning & Infrastructure - Mobile Contact List | |
Kayla Abitong | Manager of Waste & Sanitation | 863-2874 | Planning & Infrastructure - Mobile Contact List | |
Wesley Abitong | GMW - Infrastructure | 863-3314 | Planning & Infrastructure - Mobile Contact List | |
Animal Control | 705-863-0145 | External Contact List | ||
Anishnawbek Police Services | 705-865-2868 - Toll Free: 1-888-310-1122 | Fax: 705-865-3411 | External Contact List | |
Biidaaban | 705-865-2387 | Fax: 705-865-3411 | External Contact List | |
Trina Abitong | Jordan Principal Case Mnger | 705-865-1200 | External Contact List | |
New Community Hall | 705-865-1200 | External Contact List | ||
NOG Family & Community Services | 705-865-9938 | EMERG: 1-800-465-0999 | External Contact List | |
Ritchie Falls | 249-500-2897 | Email: ritchiefalls@sagamok.ca | External Contact List | |
Bingo Hotline | 705-863-0049 | External Contact List | ||
Sagamok Daycare | 705-865-1180 | Fax: 705-865-1182 | External Contact List | |
Sagamok Foodbank | 705-865-1850 | External Contact List | ||
Waawaasnoode ALC | 705-865-1475 | External Contact List | ||
Mamaweswen - Northshore Tribal | 705-844-2340 | Mamaweswen - Northshore Tribal | ||
North Shore Dental | 705-865-1511 | North Shore Dental | ||
Name | Title | Cell No. | Ext. | Company |
Z’gamok Enterprises Inc. is a corporation 100% owned by the Sagamok Anishnawbek. It is mandated to maximize the economic development opportunities of the Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation within its traditional lands and within the Northern Ontario region in the resource sector and in services related to construction and resource development.