
Name Title Cell No. Ext. Company
Aministration Receptionist Aministration Receptionist 221 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Adrienne Eshkakogan Finance Manager 232 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Andrea Hajt-Jacobs Director of Council Secretariat 705-863-2510 262 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Andrew Owl Accounts Receivable Clerk 249 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Angela Southwind Housing Manager 705-863-2976 236 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Angie Toulouse Housing Officer 705-863-5112 245 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Angus Toulouse Chief of Sagamok Anishnawbek 705-227-8188 224 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Anita Southwind Office Assistant ISETS 353 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Anton Manitowabi HR Clerk & Shared Service Clerk 705-863-1420 248 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Arnelda Bennett Economic Development Manager 705-863-3196 332 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Bruce Southwind Fire Dept. & Emerg. Response Coord. 705-863-2652 211 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Charles Daviau WALC- Teacher 281 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Claudette Fournier Manager of Office Administration - Education 235 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Danielle Toulouse HR & Benefits Administration 705-936-6342 255 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Darla Boston Political office Admin. Assistant 249-288-9786 238 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Darla Southwood Career and Employment Coach 283 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Darlene Toulouse Accounts Payable Clerk 231 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Eddie Fairburn Intake Officer ISETP 242 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Evan O'Leary General Manager Sagamok Dev. Corp. 705-863-0381 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Hayley Southwind Housing Clerk 244 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Jennifer Owl Senior Finance Officer - Education 233 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Josephpine Toulouse Secondary Support Worker -EHS 252 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Kathrine Steinke SDC - Finance Clerk 223 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Kevin Lester Wellness Educator 250 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Kimberly Toulouse P&I - Office Manager 705-863-2796 239 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Kristy Bennett Sec. Student Administrative Assistant 282 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Kyle Abitong Community Energy Coordinator 705-562-4115 257 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Violet Toulouse Lottery Office 705-863-3250 341 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Lorna Sinobert Post Secondary Student Support Worker 226 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Lorrie Ann Linklater Post Secondary Student Support Worker 237 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Marcella Toulouse Accounts Payable Assistant 290 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Megan McCraken Interim Director of Finance 705-255-2004 225 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Melissa Zhaawaninoodin P.W Clerk / Assest Mgmt Champion 705-863-2666 260 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Michelle Toulouse Claims & Negotiations Coordinator 705-770-0598 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Natlie Spencer Human Resources Manager 705-863-0089 270 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Nicole Sangster Administration & Finance - ISETP 264 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Perri-lynn Toulouse Project Technologist 705-863-3424 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Rena Daviau WALC - Teacher 246 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Renee Owl Membership, Indian Reg., & Estates Manager 256 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Roberta Swift Payroll & Benefits Coordinator 705-863-3283 248 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Ross Assinewe Director P&I 705-862-1741 261 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Sadie Southwind Infrastructure Manager 705-863-0047 251 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Sheridan Sinobert Education Recption/ Assistant 263 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Nicole Sangster ISETS Administrative/Finance Assistant 264 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Vance McPherson Director of Education 705-863-2665 227 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Wade Owl Political Office Coordinator 705-863-1050 238 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
WALC Waawaasnoode Adult Learning Centre 705-865-1475 281 Sagamok Anishnawbek - Tel: (705) 865-2421
Alyshia Rivers Client Care Coordinator 343 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Brenda McAlister Community Nurse 336 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Candace Mandanmin Wellness Worker 351 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Conrad Toulouse Addictions Councellor 331 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Cheyenne Abitong EMR Coordinator 355 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Desiree Rheault Mental Health and Addictions Nurse 349 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Delcie Bob Cinical Supprot Worker 326 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Doreen Abitong Emergency Response Planner 863-3391 329 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Ernestine Bob Medical Transportation Coordinator 344 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Exam Room 1 Visiting Practitioner 337 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Exam Room 2 Visiting Practitioner 338 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Julie Toulouse Office Manager 335 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Landee Kokoko Mental Health & Addictions 348 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Lindsay Kutschke Mental Health & Addictions Nurse 318 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
MHA Nurse Community Outreach 318 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Mino Clinic 348 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Mino Office 271 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Marie Toulouse Wellness Liaison Coordinator 322 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Marilyn Jones Community Health Representative 340 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Paula Swift Nurse Manager 334 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Paige Shawanda Community Nurse 350 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Robyn Eshkakogan Receptionist 321 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Shawnda Toulouse Community Wellness Worker 352 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Shelley Watt-Proulx Mental Health and Addictions Director 322 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Tanya Wright Project Lead 327 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Yvonne Abitong Mental Health and Addictions Intake Worker 330 Sagamok Naandwedjige-Gamik - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Allison Owl Youth Mental Health Worker 364 Mental Health Portable Staff Extensions - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Darlene McNaughton School Based Mental Health Worker 863-2731 393 Mental Health Portable Staff Extensions - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Somer-Rai Nighswander Garey Children’s Mental Health (MAT leave) Mental Health Portable Staff Extensions - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Raven Hammond Children’s Mental Health Worker 863-0883 356 Mental Health Portable Staff Extensions - Tel: (705) 865-2171 | Toll Free: 1-800-727-5503
Bernadette Southwind Community Mental Health Worker 204 Saswin - Tel: (705)-865-2192 │ (705)-865-2517
Brad Polson Addictions Counsellor 863-0263 203 Saswin - Tel: (705)-865-2192 │ (705)-865-2517
Gail Trudeau Community Wellness Worker 863-2531 205 Saswin - Tel: (705)-865-2192 │ (705)-865-2517
Holly Bennett Children's Wellness Worker 863-0990 202 Saswin - Tel: (705)-865-2192 │ (705)-865-2517
JoanneGraham Parent Infant Advisor 863-2941 202 Saswin - Tel: (705)-865-2192 │ (705)-865-2517
Micheal Abitong Community Mentor 863-0643 205 Saswin - Tel: (705)-865-2192 │ (705)-865-2517
Shirley Gregorini Child & Youth Program Manager 206 Saswin - Tel: (705)-865-2192 │ (705)-865-2517
Toby Pickering Family Well-being Worker 863-1972 202 Saswin - Tel: (705)-865-2192 │ (705)-865-2517
Wayne Southwind Cultural Resource Worker 863-2942 201 Saswin - Tel: (705)-865-2192 │ (705)-865-2517
Laura McMeekin-Clarke Physical Wellness Worker 863-2704 Fitness & Youth Center - Tel: (705) 865-3001 or 1967
Susan Deschamps Nurse Manager/ Director 222 Elders Eagle Lodge - Tel: (705)-865-2926
Foster Southwind Care Assistant 228 Elders Eagle Lodge - Tel: (705)-865-2926
Tammy MacDonald Care Coordinator 221 Elders Eagle Lodge - Tel: (705)-865-2926
Brenna Thibeault HCC Nurse 223 Elders Eagle Lodge - Tel: (705)-865-2926
Dashaye Eshakakogan Indigenous Transition Facilitator 230 Elders Eagle Lodge - Tel: (705)-865-2926
Fallon Toulouse Dietary Lead 224 Elders Eagle Lodge - Tel: (705)-865-2926
Naomi Paibomsai Admin Assistant/PSW 229 Elders Eagle Lodge - Tel: (705)-865-2926
Samantha Keysis Director of LRE 863-0368 Lands, Resources & Environment Unit - Tel: (705)-863-0494
Cynthia Owl Executive Assistant 863-3623 Lands, Resources & Environment Unit - Tel: (705)-863-0494
Leroy Bennett Research & Policy Analyst 863-2597 Lands, Resources & Environment Unit - Tel: (705)-863-0494
Mitchell Eshkakogan Fisheries Technician 863-3217 Lands, Resources & Environment Unit - Tel: (705)-863-0494
Allen Toulouse Historian 865-1134 238 Lands, Resources & Environment Unit - Tel: (705)-863-0494
Andrew Dagg Band Representative 863-0082 202 Child and Family Advocacy Unit - Tel: (705)-865-3229
Andrew Southwind Database Administrator 863-2733 205 Child and Family Advocacy Unit - Tel: (705)-865-3229
Barbara Southwind Band Representative 863-2960 207 Child and Family Advocacy Unit - Tel: (705)-865-3229
Cheryl Bennett Victims Coordinator 863-0074 211 Child and Family Advocacy Unit - Tel: (705)-865-3229
Donna Toulouse Kinship Service 863-3445 209 Child and Family Advocacy Unit - Tel: (705)-865-3229
Jasmine Abitong Junior Office Assistant 204 Child and Family Advocacy Unit - Tel: (705)-865-3229
Juanita Skruibis Director of CFA Unit 863-2946 203 Child and Family Advocacy Unit - Tel: (705)-865-3229
Krystal Bob Receptionist 863-0515 201 Child and Family Advocacy Unit - Tel: (705)-865-3229
Rebecca Toulouse Band Representative 863-2715 207 Child and Family Advocacy Unit - Tel: (705)-865-3229
Rhonda Stoneypoint Band Representative 863-3015 208 Child and Family Advocacy Unit - Tel: (705)-865-3229
Receptionist 202 Community Justice Program - Tel: (705)-865-1884
Pamela Sago-Toulouse Justice Program Manager 863-0218 201 Community Justice Program - Tel: (705)-865-1884
Marilyn Trudeau Com. Justice Worker 863-3380 204 Community Justice Program - Tel: (705)-865-1884
Mark Foden By-Law Officer 863-0145 203 Community Justice Program - Tel: (705)-865-1884
Joslyn Paibomsai Victims Services Coord. 863-5074 202 Community Justice Program - Tel: (705)-865-1884
Priscilla Southwind 204 Community Justice Program - Tel: (705)-865-1884
Greg Durocher IT Project manager 863-0603 IT Department
Nick Trudeau IT Technician 862-2253 865-3331 IT Department
Nicholas Lajeunesse IT/Communications Assist. 865-2999 IT Department
Robert Porter Communications Coord. 865-2221 IT Department
Sean Cassidy Director of IT 863-3325 865-1999 IT Department
Shannon Carroll Communications Coord. 865-3224 IT Department
Wayne Peltier IT Manager 862-2031 865-3336 IT Department
Violet Boissoneau 705-863-3250 Sagamok Post Office - Tel: (705)-865-1233
Ken Toulouse 705-863-0316 Sagamok Post Office - Tel: (705)-865-1233
Logan Corbiere 705-863-0876 Sagamok Post Office - Tel: (705)-865-1233
Chantal jerome 705-863-0463 Sagamok Post Office - Tel: (705)-865-1233
Will Sayers Chief Executive Officer 225 Z'Gamok Enterprises Inc. - Tel: (705)-865-1134
Crystal Trudeau Executive Assist. 234 Z'Gamok Enterprises Inc. - Tel: (705)-865-1134
Ryan Halk Finance Controller 228 Z'Gamok Enterprises Inc. - Tel: (705)-865-1134
Wanda Hall Acc. Payable clerk 237 Z'Gamok Enterprises Inc. - Tel: (705)-865-1134
Paul Eshkakogan Business Devel. 227 Z'Gamok Enterprises Inc. - Tel: (705)-865-1134
Martina Southwind HR Coor./Benefits Admin. 231 Z'Gamok Enterprises Inc. - Tel: (705)-865-1134
Bonnie Peltier Finance Officer 705-863-2656 236 Z'Gamok Enterprises Inc. - Tel: (705)-865-1134
Sarah Toulouse 705-863-2956 224 Z'Gamok Enterprises Inc. - Tel: (705)-865-1134
Carly Dell Receptionist 200 Niigaaniin - Tel: (705) 865-1395
Deanna Southwind Niigaaniin - Tel: (705) 865-1395
Jenna Castonguay Niigaaniin Specialist 204 Niigaaniin - Tel: (705) 865-1395
Marissa Bob Niigaaniin Specialist 202 Niigaaniin - Tel: (705) 865-1395
Robybn Recollect Deggaabwit ODSP 201 Niigaaniin - Tel: (705) 865-1395
Roseanne Abitong Niigaaniin Specialist 206 Niigaaniin - Tel: (705) 865-1395
Sara Tracey Ge-Naad-Mo-Wit Aaniish Naa 203 Niigaaniin - Tel: (705) 865-1395
Vincent Eshkakogan Associate Director 249-525-7313 Niigaaniin - Tel: (705) 865-1395
Bruce Southwind Fire Chief 863-0732 Planning & Infrastructure - Mobile Contact List
Barry Southwind GMW - CID Dept. 863-5207 Planning & Infrastructure - Mobile Contact List
Bradley Owl GMW - Housing Dept. 863-3593 Planning & Infrastructure - Mobile Contact List
Brown Southwind Custodian 604-0013 Planning & Infrastructure - Mobile Contact List
Daniel Owl GMW - Edu Dept. 863-5245 Planning & Infrastructure - Mobile Contact List
Daniel Toulouse Roads Supervisor 863-3249 Planning & Infrastructure - Mobile Contact List
Donovan Southwind GMW - Housing Dept. 863-1904 Planning & Infrastructure - Mobile Contact List
Jaiden Nahmiwan Water Treatment Plant Op. 863-0519 Planning & Infrastructure - Mobile Contact List
Jerry Francis Waste Management 863-2805 Planning & Infrastructure - Mobile Contact List
Joey Trudeau Technical Services Manager 863-3026 Planning & Infrastructure - Mobile Contact List
Kayla Abitong Manager of Waste & Sanitation 863-2874 Planning & Infrastructure - Mobile Contact List
Wesley Abitong GMW - Infrastructure 863-3314 Planning & Infrastructure - Mobile Contact List
Animal Control 705-863-0145 External Contact List
Anishnawbek Police Services 705-865-2868 - Toll Free: 1-888-310-1122 Fax: 705-865-3411 External Contact List
Biidaaban 705-865-2387 Fax: 705-865-3411 External Contact List
Trina Abitong Jordan Principal Case Mnger 705-865-1200 External Contact List
New Community Hall 705-865-1200 External Contact List
NOG Family & Community Services 705-865-9938 EMERG: 1-800-465-0999 External Contact List
Ritchie Falls 249-500-2897 Email: External Contact List
Bingo Hotline 705-863-0049 External Contact List
Sagamok Daycare 705-865-1180 Fax: 705-865-1182 External Contact List
Sagamok Foodbank 705-865-1850 External Contact List
Waawaasnoode ALC 705-865-1475 External Contact List
Mamaweswen - Northshore Tribal 705-844-2340 Mamaweswen - Northshore Tribal
North Shore Dental 705-865-1511 North Shore Dental
Name Title Cell No. Ext. Company