The Lands, Resources and Environment Unit and the G’daa Kiim-non Committee oversee the development and implementation of a strategic, coordinated and culturally appropriate approach to the G’daa Kiim-non Lands Stewardship Strategy in a manner that is consistent with Sagamok’s Community Healing and Development Ten Year Action Plan.
Working with Sagamok Team on Fort LaCloche land transfer. Ontario was to provide a response on June 2019 and a letter was received that indicated more time was required. No further correspondence was received.
Additional TEK Mapping/Information has commenced with our consultants in September 2019. Interviews with Elders were on-going and continued throughout the year. Work is ongoing with focus on Fort LaCloche mapping and affidavits for the Claim. LRRP Project is now in the Final reporting stage and should be completed by March 2020.
Establish evidentiary requirements to advance Aboriginal title and/or Specific Claims related to our territory, in particular:
The Fort LaCloche an important site as it was used by Sagamok Anishnawbek for settlement, cultivation, burials and fishing.
According to the oral history of our Elders, our First Nation gave temporary permission for the site to be used as a fur trade post, originally to the North West Company (NWC), which set up the La Cloche post, in approximately 1808, and then to the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) which merged with the NWC in 1821.
The Fort LaCloche site was excluded as part of Sagamok reserve survey pursuant to the Robinson Huron Treaty (RHT), our ancestors would have expected the Fort LaCloche to be included.
In furtherance of the Ontario/Sagamok discussions our research material has been shared with Ontario officials to enable further discussions on options to get Fort LaCloche back as part of Sagamok reserve lands. Need to address next steps.
Stage 1, case victory for RHT
Stage 2 currently underway, focuses on technical legal objections that the crown is making to increasing or back paying any inadequate annuities.
Sagamok Anishnawbek Matrimonial Real Property (MRP) Law
Matrimonial Real Property refers to the family home on reserve that the Spouses lived in at the time of separation and includes attached buildings. It does not include movable property such as furniture, cars, bank accounts etc. It does not include property received as a gift or inheritance to one of the spouses, prior to or on the date of marriage or commencement of cohabitation by common law spouses from their family (family land).
Sagamok Anishnawbek Land Code
A Land Code provides an opportunity for First Nations to opt out of land-related sections of the Indian Act and assume jurisdiction over their reserve lands and resources under their own land code. The Land Code significantly improves the efficiency and level of economic development opportunities for the signatory First Nation. A Land Code will include regaining independence over land management within their own community.
Lands Resources & Environment is currently working with other departments on a Ratification Committee with the mandate of securing a date for a Referendum. The RAT Committee has met and is currently reviewing the language of some of the proposed laws to reflect for of a community perspective.
Ratification Core Group formed to work with LRE, Governance, Membership and Administration Staff. A focus of this group is now working with the Communications Department and developing a Communication Strategy. There is a need to reword some of the documentation to reflect more of Sagamok's sovereignty issues. The Administration are working on the date to hold the Referendum.
Recommendations for G’Daa Kiim-Non Committee:
Planning for Fall Harvest began in July with Lands, Resources and Environment Department (LRE) staff. Cynthia Owl, Acting Lands Coordinator, assumed the role of Fall Harvest Coordinator for event planning purposes. Bi-weekly meetings were held with LRE staff and invited resource people. The Fall Harvest Coordinator compiled a task list and duties were delegated to LRE staff and the Community Development Manager. On-site coordination was taken on by Tammy Tremblay.
The Planning & Infrastructure Department continued to support the Fall Harvest by ensuring that all of the supplies and equipment were delivered to the site and picked equipment and garbage after the event.
The Ambassador Program provided their services to help get the Fall Harvest grounds ready for the event. On October they had a crew of five go up and clear the monument site, cut the grass, minor brushing and pick up any garbage and debris.
The road to the Fall Harvest site was brushed this year due to trees and shrubs growing in The LRE hired a community member to carry out this work. The Fall Harvest road was fixed where the beaver had washed out the road, two culverts were placed at road by pond. The Sagamok Roads department brought up equipment to complete this work.
Booths and activities by Robinson Huron Treaty Confederation, MNRF, and Burnett & Associates, complimented activities facilitated or arranged by Sagamok staff.
The Fall Harvest is now completed. A total of four moose, one cow and three bulls, were harvested at the 2019 Fall Harvest. All moose were gutted and cleaned in the field. All moose were hung and skinned and quartered at the camp site. The attendance of people camping appeared to be down from 2016. The number of people in attending for day trips seemed average. The number of day visitors was approximately 50 people/day that signed in, many did not sign in. Booths and activities by Robinson Huron Treaty Confederation, MNRF, and Burnett & Associates, complimented activities facilitated or arranged by Sagamok staff.
On-going throughout the year. Continue with MNRF and Forest Management Plans (FMP), Community Consultation process will be identified through Committee discussions.
Data collection and management is on-going. New FMP and Community Consultation Pro-cess are currently being processed and will be forwarded to C&C for review and discussions. LRE will be reviewing other programs. Continue working with MNRF and EACOM -Northshore Forest and the cutting of the Value site (to date we have no resolution).
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique.
Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat.
Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.