The Mentorship Program is a 3-week summer student program for the youth of Sagamok that was developed to provide an opportunity for the youth to enhance their Anishinaabe culture awareness, cultivate mentorship competence and develop job readiness skills. The program focuses on empowering our youth with the knowledge and confidence to assume responsibility for cultural preservation, personal development, and employability. These are the principle foundations for the program with the expectation for the youth to adapt them into their daily lives and sustain for life.
Program Eligibility
- Youth who are registered band members of Sagamok Anishnawbek, regardless of whether they live on or off reserve
- Youth who are going into Grade 8 up to and including those in Grade 10
How to Apply
- Scan the QR code
- OR complete the paper application/data sheet
Both application methods require a 250-word essay on why you would like to complete the Youth Mentorship Program. Some ideas for what you should share include:
- Who you are.
- What you would like to achieve through the program.
- Why you think you should be considered for this unique program.
- Anything else you would like to include about yourself.
Paper applications can be picked up and dropped off through Carson Abitong, Youth Wellness Worker (705-865-3001).
Application Deadline: