NAAAW 2024

National Aboriginal Addictions Awareness Week 2024

Theme: Forging Connections

In the spirit of sharing knowledge and building connections, the Mental Health and Addictions Team, along with other community partners, will be hosting a variety of events throughout the week on the topic of Addictions.

There will be something for Community Members of all ages! We hope that everyone has the opportunity to come out, participate and connect.


Opening Ceremony & Breakfast

Vaping Cannabis Prevention

Benefits of Exercise for Improved Mental Health & Addictions Recovery


Lunch & Learn: Lateral Kindness


Mino Appreciation

Harm Reductions Meet & Greet and Naloxone Training

Ribbon Shirt Making


Mental Health Fair & Brunch

Recognition Dinner


Ribbon Skirt Making

Closing Sweat Lodge Ceremony

Click here to view the full details for each event.

For more information, reach out to the Mental Health & Addictions Team at 705-865-2171.